Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Share the Love of Reading

A few days before our winter break began, Stranahan held a special day to celebrate reading. Teachers around the building each had a different way to celebrate the day. Some teachers invited a special guest reader, some classes partnered with other classes, and a few classes performed a reader's theater. In our classroom, we had parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents come and share the afternoon with us. The students and their special guests brought books, blankets, and stuffed animals to enjoy while they read. Drinks, snacks, and cookies were also provided for the students and guests. There was a spectacular turnout and the students loved every minute of it! It was great to have all of our guests in the classroom that day to show the students how important reading is and to share that love of reading!

Frosting Cookies with Mrs. Good

To help us prepare for the winter party, Mrs. Good brought in cookies, frosting, and sprinkles. Each student had five cookies to decorate. The class had a great time putting their own personal touch on each of the treats. It was safe to say that nearly every sprinkle that Mrs. Good had brought that day ended up on a cookie! The students were able to sample two of the cookies that day, save two of the cookies for the party, and each student gave me one of the cookies as a gift to eat over the holiday break. They were delicious! I want to send a special thanks to Mrs. Good for taking the time to prepare all the cookies, make the frosting, and buy the sprinkles!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Fall Harvest Party

Our Fall Harvest Party was an amazing success! The students absolutely loved the Harvest meal, and really enjoyed putting their turkey craft together. I wanted to say thank you to those parents who were able to send items in for the party. And another thank you for the parents that were able to attend and help out with the party! Without your help, the party would not have gone as well as it did! I hope you enjoy looking through some of the pictures from that day.

Special thanks to Mr. Smith for taking and sending these great pictures from the party!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conference Reminders:
Thursday, November 18th:
9:00-9:15-Grace McKenzie
9:20-9:35-Grace Perry
9:40-9:55-Ben Graalman
10:00-10:15-Kiera Brown
12:00-12:15-Joey Good Jr.
1:30-1:45-Tyler Pawlicki
1:50-2:05-Hannah Howard
2:10-2:25-Owen Dawson
2:50-3:05-Rhone Lay
3:10-3:25-Louis Genson
3:30-3:45-Emily Koza

Friday, November 19th:
9:00-9:15-Harrison Jennings
9:20-9:35-Dylan Spurling
9:40-9:55-Eddie Deleon Jr.
11:00-11:15-Adriana Masuca
1:30-1:45-Yazan Alflayyeh
2:10-2:25-Julianna Smith
2:30-2:45-Sara Hermiller
*If you do not see your name on the list here, please call or email and we can schedule a time on either day. If there is a conflict with the time list above, we can also move it to a time that is more suitable.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Couple Notes

Bathroom Situation:
-The new bathrooms have the automatic flushing system installed on each toilet. A step forward in the prevention of spreading germs. A step back for some our young students using the bathroom on their own. We had a talk earlier in the week about why the sensors are there, how the sensors are set off, and that nothing will happen to them if the toilet flushes and they are still sitting there. If you could go over some of these points at home with your child, I think it will go a long way in helping some of the boys and girls get over the fear they currently have.

Rethman Report:
-I tried many different approaches and spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how I could upload this document on the blog, but had no success. While I try to contact someone to help me with this, I will be sending the Rethman Report home in your child's folder for a little while. I hope to have this resolved soon!

-I mentioned this in the Rethman Report, and I will go ahead make another request right now. We are in need of some of the pink, rectangular erasers for the students. The children have been using the erasers on the pencils, but the erasers keep snapping off. I have picked some up for the classroom to start, but if you could help us out with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Skill Rings:
-Today (Sept. 17) was the day your child's skill rings were supposed to be turned in. I received most of them, but if you are still working on them, try to send them with your child by Monday.

Classroom Phone:
-My classroom phone was hooked up earlier this week and is now fully operational. The extension is 2514. So if you have any concerns you can now reach me by phone. I have also updated my profile, so you can find the phone information there.